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Previous Communications

Keep connected with our weekly Wins!

18 July 2024

Hello Camps Bay! Here’s how we’ll be communicating with the community to keep them up to date on progress.

We’ll be posting frequently about how the CID is working for you on our social media channels -wins, updates, tips and Camps Bay specific news. So please give us a follow:


We’ll also be keeping you updated with a monthly newsletter covering the latest progress and future plans. We’ll be sending that by email so please sign up here. Our ‘announcement only’ whatsapp group will also be used for important announcements.

Finally, a reminder on how to contact the CID. Until our service providers are operational, please report all incidents of any type to CBCSI as usual by phoning 021 438 2000, or via the existing Telegram groups or Buzzer. CBCSI will liaise with CID staff as needed.

If you have general enquiries about the CID, you can email us on

Thank you for your support!

Here’s what CBCID has achieved in its First Week

9 July 2024

Our newly-appointed management team and 8 new, dedicated Law Enforcement Officers have hit the ground running. During the first week of CID operations there were:

• 44 rough sleeper and homeless person interactions
• 4 persons placed in City shelters
• 17 warnings issued, 1 illegal structure removed
• 36 informal traders checked for compliance, 13 warnings issued
• 20 taxis addressed on various issues, 5 warnings issued
• 18 suspicious person stop-and-searches with various illegal items confiscated
• 200 bags of litter removed from the coastal belt
• 3 construction sites visited to address resident complaints, all contraventions rectified.
• 2 suspects detained and profiled at SAPS for outstanding warrants
• And much more.

For more details, photos, and next steps, please read our ‘First week in review’ newsletter: Click here

Many thanks to the management team for their dedicated, enthusiastic and
capable start and we look forward to even greater progress once all of the CID’s service providers have been engaged.

CBCID Board of Directors

CBCID appoints Communications, Volunteer & Administrative Manager

7 July 2024

The Directors of the CBCID are pleased to announce the appointment of Sarah Meder as CID Communications, Volunteer & Administrative Manager.

Sarah will be well known to many residents after having served the Camps Bay community since 2008 in multiple roles with Camps Bay Watch, the Camps Bay and Clifton Safe Community Trust and CBCSI, including most recently being responsible for the management of CBCSI’s member database and email communications and various other administrative functions for CBCSI and CBCSCT.

The Board welcomes Sarah to the CBCID and looks forward to her developing and maintaining strong relationships between the CID and all members of the Camps Bay community.

Sarah Meder

Appointment of Operations Manager

5 July 2024

The Directors of the CBCID are pleased to announce the appointment of Kyle Visagie as CID Operations Manager.

Kyle joins us from the Northpine CID, where he until recently served as Operations Manager. Kyle was a volunteer member of the team that established the Northpine CID and will remain a Director of the Northpine CID NPC, responsible for their Urban Management and Social Development portfolios.

In addition to Kyle’s experience in CID operations, his academic qualifications (BA in Psychology) and prior work experience (various Corporate Social Investment roles) will stand him in good stead for implementing and overseeing the CBCID’s integrated and holistic Social Development programmes.

The Board welcomes Kyle to the CID and looks forward to working with him.

Appointment of Public Safety Manager

3 July 2024

The Directors of the CBCID are pleased to announce the appointment of Ty Watts as CID Public Safety Manager.

Ty will be a familiar face to many Camps Bay residents from his role as Operations Manager for CBCSI for the past 4 years. For the next few months during the period in which CBCSI will be phased out in favour of the CID, Ty will continue to hold his CBCSI role also.

Ty brings to the Camps Bay CID a strong public safety and security background and network, plus invaluable knowledge and understanding of Camps Bay and its unique public safety and security concerns. The Board welcomes Ty to the CBCID and looks forward to assisting him in delivering a seamless transition from CBCSI to the CBCID.

CBCID live with dedicated LE Officers!

1 July 2024

The Directors of the CBCID are pleased to announce that the CID is now live with our very own dedicated Law Enforcement Officers!

In the initial phase, during which time the new LEOs will be trained and oriented towards the specific needs of Camps Bay, officers will be on duty during daylight hours only, seven days a week.

In due course and once training is completed, they will transition to 24/7/365.

Until such time as the CID Control Room is live, incidents requiring the attention of Law Enforcement Officers can be reported to the CBCSI Control Room at 021-438-2000.

CID implementation update

29 June 2024

The CID levy will be included in property owners’ City of Cape Town municipal invoices from July onwards and the CID will be officially live from Monday 1 July.

The CID team are actively engaged with potential suppliers via a formal RFQ (Request For Quotations) process.

Depending on the progress and outcomes of the RFQ process, we anticipate a gradual roll-out of services, ramping up to full capacity in advance of the summer season. More details will be communicated in due course.

The CID team and CBCSI are working closely together to ensure a smooth transition, with CBCSI expected to wind up once the CID’s public safety functions are operational.

Until then, the CBCSI Control Room remains available at 021-438-2000 for assistance with any matters related to public safety or municipal services.

For more information, please see the CID Implementation Phase FAQs, click here

Introducing our CID Manager!

27 June 2024

The Directors of the CBCID are pleased to announce the appointment of Muneeb (Mo) Hendricks as CID Manager, with effect from 1 July.

Mo will be a familiar face to many of you, having played a key role in the CID establishment process as a consultant to the CBCID Steering Committee.

Mo’s extensive experience and expertise in Public Safety and Security, as well as CID operations (including more than 20 years at the Cape Town Central CID) will be a huge asset to Camps Bay and we are excited to officially welcome him on board.

For anything requiring Mo’s attention, and until such time as the CID Control Room is live, please log an incident with the CBCSI Control Room at 021-438-2000.

In addition, the CBCID is pleased to advise that interim office space has been secured at 32 Camps Bay Drive. Many thanks to Village n Life who are providing the space at no cost until such time as the CID receives its funding from the City of Cape Town.

Muneeb (Mo) Hendricks

Update: Establishment of CID Non-Profit Company

23 June 2024

The Camps Bay CID (CBCID) has taken its first steps towards go-live with the formation of the CID Non-Profit Company (NPC), the entity that will employ CID staff and contract with the City of Cape Town and all CID service providers.

The CBCID’s inaugural Board of Directors are Spencer McNally (Chairperson), Louise Cooke (Deputy Chairperson), Richard Bendel (Treasurer), Kim Faclier, Theresa Massaglia, Gavin Reynolds and Jonathan Tillett.

The Board is currently underway with preparations for the launch of the CID, which is expected to happen on a phased basis over the coming months. More information will follow in this regard as and when developments happen.

CID Approval

23 June 2024

The CID Steering Committee (SC) is delighted to announce the formal approval of the Camps Bay CID by the City of Cape Town’s Ordinary Council on 25 April.

Implementation of the CID is set to occur in phases from 1 July onwards, so that it will be fully operational in advance of next summer.