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What are the details of the employment costs and how do the employees add value?

The proposed budget for the CID in the first year is R29,879,085 rand and the basic salary costs, excluding UIF etc, are 2,520,000 which is 9.7%% of the total.

There is an additional allowance of 10% for bonus which is included for planning but is discretionary based on the achievements of the CID and the individuals.

The Steering Committee debated at length the proposed structure with the objective of minimizing the overhead costs and we concluded on the following 4 roles.

CID Manager

Safety and Security Manager

Operations Manager (non-Safety and Security)

Communications, Volunteer and Administration Manager

The roles above can be broadly explained as follows:

  • The CID Manager will answer to the Board and take overall responsibility for all of the day-to-day operations of the CID. All of the other roles will report to the CID Manager, who will also be responsible for the commercial functioning of the CID and liaison with the City and other related structures;
  • The Public Safety Manager will be responsible for oversight of all public safety service providers and will interface on a day-to-day basis with SAPS and other local security structures;
  • The Operations Manager will be responsible for the oversight and delivery of all of the activities within the Cleansing, Urban Maintenance and Social and Economic Development plans. This includes the daily operations of the teams, liaison with the service providers and co-ordination and integration of the activities across these related areas; and
  • The Communications, Volunteer & Administrative Manager will be responsible for the liaison with volunteers, communicating with residents and providing administrative support.

More details of the accountabilities are available in the business plan

At this point it is anticipated that the majority of services, for example cleaning and maintenance will be outsourced so the budgets for these are part of the operating expenses and will be subject to transparent tender processes.

The budgeted salaries for the roles were set based on inputs from other CID’s and organizations and reflect the scale of the management task involved in running a 30 million rand organization.

The CID Manager role is considered a senior management role and has been budgeted accordingly.  This role carries significant responsibility to the board, to the city and to the community for overall delivery of the plans.  The next biggest role is the Public Safety Manager which is a highly operational role responsible for the co-ordination of efforts across the largest part of the budget with multiple service providers and multiple city departments.

No appointments or promises have been made and the roles will be advertised when appropriate but for planning purposes we believe it is both robust and reasonable.