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Author: 0vdge

Keep connected with our weekly Wins!

Hello Camps Bay! Here’s how we’ll be communicating with the community to keep them up to date on progress.

We’ll be posting frequently about how the CID is working for you on our social media channels -wins, updates, tips and Camps Bay specific news. So please give us a follow:


We’ll also be keeping you updated with a monthly newsletter covering the latest progress and future plans. We’ll be sending that by email so please sign up here. Our ‘announcement only’ whatsapp group will also be used for important announcements.

Finally, a reminder on how to contact the CID. Until our service providers are operational, please report all incidents of any type to CBCSI as usual by phoning 021 438 2000, or via the existing Telegram groups or Buzzer. CBCSI will liaise with CID staff as needed.

If you have general enquiries about the CID, you can email us on

Thank you for your support!