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Author: 0vdge

Martin Steinau

Q: How long have you lived in Camps Bay?

A: I moved from Johannesburg to Camps Bay in 2014.

Q: Before the CID Management Team, how have you been involved in local community affairs?

A: In 2016 I got involved with Camps Bay Watch and later became a MANCO member. I took over the role of treasurer of the Community Police Forum (CPF) in 2019 and shortly thereafter took on the role as vice chair as well. I was chair of the village pre-school, Kidz Discovery’s governing body for a number of years, and support them to this day.

Q: What is your career and professional background?

A: I completed my Bachelor of Commerce in Management with finance and IT electives at Bond University (Australia) and spent the first 17 years of my career in the Information Technology sector. After moving to Cape Town I opened a bakery in Airport Industria supplying bread to the informal settlements (Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Manenberg, Hanover Park, Mitchells Plain, etc.).

Q: Anything else that we should know about you?

A: I was born in Cape Town but grew up in Kenya and later moved to Johannesburg. I am married to Marietjie and we have two children. As a family we enjoy spending time on the beach as well as the surrounds that Camps Bay has to offer.

I am passionate about personal finance and investing in general. I will resume building my online personal finance training portal to assist individuals with their personal finance journey after the CID Establishment Process project.

Camps Bay is kept in shape mainly because of a handful of volunteers that are sacrificing an extraordinary amount of time for the community. Volunteer exhaustion is already setting in and my prediction is that we will not recognise Camps Bay within the next three to five years. Having been involved in the safety and security side of Camps Bay for the past few years I am very concerned! A CID is the only solution and I have therefore decided to dedicate my time to this important project.