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Voting Document Templates

Manual Voting

For manual voting you will need to print out the form and complete it, then hand it to us or scan and email it to



Mo Hendricks +2784 861 1955


Martin Steinau +2783 628 8500



In general terms, how does voting work?

You need to complete and sign a special voting form (technically a ‘consent/objection form’).

This may be done electronically here or by physically printing and signing a hard copy and returning it to us. You can print the hard copy form here.

Only the registered property owner (or in the case of a Trust or Company, a duly authorised representative) may sign the voting form.

Abstaining is equivalent to voting against the CID, since only ‘yes’ votes will count towards the target of 60% of eligible votes required to proceed with the CID.

Please don’t abstain. If you feel a CID is the right thing for Camps Bay, please vote in favour. If you are opposed to the CID, then object using the same voting form. There is too much at stake here to simply do nothing.

The voting process has been designed to conform fully with the City of Cape Town City Improvement District By-Law 2023 (“CID By-law”) and the CID Policy 2022/23 (“CID Policy“). Information provided on the voting form will be cross-referenced to the City’s database for accuracy. The City further scrutinises the integrity of all voting data as part of their due diligence procedures. Any vote that does not conform with the strict requirements imposed by the City will be invalid.

For clarity, the relevant clauses of the CID Policy read as follows:

10 Obtaining written consent under section 22(2)(b) of the MPRA

10.1 The written consent of proposed ARPs as contemplated in section 6(15) of the By-law is to be evidenced on a consent form based on a template prescribed by the Executive Director.

10.2 Proposed ARPs may indicate their support of, or objection to, the establishment of the proposed CID on a signed consent form and submit same to the steering committee by hand, post, or electronically.

10.3 When submitting the consent forms to the City as required under section 5(9)(b)(ii) of the By-law, the steering committee shall cross-reference each form to the property database contemplated in clause 7.4 of this Policy to verify that the form has been duly submitted by a property owner in the proposed district.

We hope we can count on your support as we enter the final, crucial stage of the CID establishment process.

When is the deadline for voting?

We are asking you to complete and sign your voting form TODAY. We only have a few weeks to reach the required 60% target and time is short. The City has some discretion in the time it allows us to collect votes. It is important that you submit your voting form to us as soon as possible.

How many votes are needed for the CID to be approved?

At least 60% of eligible votes must be in favour for the CID to be approved. There are 2,872 eligible votes, so 1,724 ‘yes’ votes are required. Each eligible property gets one vote. A list of all eligible properties is included in the Final Business Plan.

Is there a voting station where I can go to sign my voting form?

Yes. We will be at Vida e Caffe, 55-61 Victoria Rd, from Tuesday 7th November until Saturday 11th November, 07:30 to 10:00, with blank voting forms, and to assist you in completing them.

How do I vote if my property is owned in my own name?

Complete and sign the voting form electronically (click here).

Alternatively you can print, complete and sign the voting form manually (click here), scan it and email it to us at, or email us and we will come and pick it up from you at a time convenient to you.

You will need your Erf number to complete the voting form. You can see your Erf number on your municipal bill, next to your address, under ‘Account Summary’.

If you need help, email us at, or phone us on +2784 861 1955 and we will assist you.

I own more than one property. Do I have to complete separate voting forms for each property?

The voting form caters for multiple property entries if they are registered under the same name.

If you own more than one property but with different ownership structures, you will need to complete and sign separate voting forms for each entity.

Online (electronic) – click here

Manual (paper) – click here

If you need assistance, please email us at or phone us on +2784 861 19554. We are also happy to meet with you at a time of your convenience to deal with the documentation.

What happens if I don’t complete and sign a voting form?

Abstaining is equivalent to a ‘no’ vote, since 60% of eligible votes must be ‘yes’ in order for the CID to be approved.

I’ve just sold/bought my property and transfer is still going through. Can I vote?

If you have sold your property, but the property is still registered in your name as of 6 November 2023, you can vote.

If you have bought the property, transfer hasn’t yet gone through, but you have moved into the new property, please contact us on

I want to formally object to the proposed CID. How do I do this?

Fill in and sign the voting form, which contains a box to tick if you wish to object.

What will happen if I formally object to the proposed CID?

We will contact you to invite you to a meeting to hear the reasons for your objection, as required by the CID By-law.

In terms of the CID By-law and CID Policy, your objection will not affect the Final Business Plan. The input to the Final Business Plan was provided by the official consultation period following the First Public Meeting. Your objection will be included in the submission to the City, and the Council will take into account any objections when deciding whether or not to approve the CID.